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Pedestrian Growth Trends on Arlington's Trails

Building off my previous work on Arlington's Bikeometer data and mapping points with Folium, I decided to contribute something to the upcoming Walk Hack Night II. While I'm not able to attend this event, I still want to contribute to the discussion with some data visualizations about local walking trends.

Many of the Eco-Counters installed on Arlington's trails can count both bicycle and pedestrian traffic. I decided to look through the various counters and find ones that had data for the past three years. My plan was then to calculate annual average daily traffic for the pedestrian traffic at each counter, and then map the annualized growth rate for that metric for each location.

I used the following Python modules for this project.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import requests
from xml.etree import ElementTree

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import folium

Then I grabbed the counter ID numbers for the eleven stations that provided consistent data from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016. Those counter IDs are listed below. When I browsed the data, I discovered some very large pedestrian counts that were obvious outliers. Those outliers were probably the result of sensor errors. Upon further investigation, I noticed some of these outliers occurred during the evening hours, which should actually have pedestrian counts close to zero. Something strange seems to happen to these counters at night on occasion.

In [2]:
counterids = ['23', '3', '4', '27', '26', '7', '9', '11', '25', '12', '1']
pedestrian_growth = []

The code below fetches the daily pedestrian count data for each counter in the list above. I dealt with outliers by dropping count data above the 95th percentile and any zero counts. I then summed the inbound and outbound pedestrian counts by day. With those daily sums, I calculated the average daily counts for the remaining data by month and then I calculated the yearly means based on those monthly averages. Finally, I obtained the annualize rate of growth for the average annual daily pedestrian traffic numbers. These statistics are reported below the following Python code.

In [3]:
for cid in counterids:
    GetCountURL = (''
                  + cid)
    xmldata = requests.get(GetCountURL)
    tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xmldata.text)
    date = []
    count = []
    direction = []
    dfpeds = pd.DataFrame()
    for t in tree.findall('count'):
    dfpeds = pd.DataFrame({'date' : date, 'count': count, 'direction': direction})
    dfpeds['date'] = pd.to_datetime(
    dfpeds['count'] = dfpeds['count'].astype(int)
    cleaned = dfpeds['count'] <= dfpeds['count'].quantile(0.95)
    zeroes = dfpeds['count'] != 0
    dfcleaned = dfpeds[cleaned & zeroes]
    fig = plt.figure()
    fig.suptitle('Counter ID: ' + cid, fontsize=16)
    dfcleaned['count'].plot(kind = 'hist', bins=20)
    df_bydate = dfcleaned.groupby('date').sum()
    df_bydate['Date'] = df_bydate.index
    df_bydate['month'] = df_bydate['Date'].dt.month
    df_bydate['year'] = df_bydate['Date'].dt.year
    bymonth = df_bydate.groupby(['year', 'month']).mean()
    byyear = bymonth['count'].mean(level='year')
    percent_change = ((byyear.iloc[2] / byyear.iloc[0]) ** (1/2) - 1) * 100
    textid = cid + ": " + str(round(percent_change,2)) + "% annualize growth rate"
    print('Counter ID: #' + cid)
    print(round(byyear, 0))
Counter ID: #23
2014    265.0
2015    264.0
2016    269.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
23: 0.7% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #3
2014    408.0
2015    436.0
2016    430.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
3: 2.62% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #4
2014    351.0
2015    366.0
2016    418.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
4: 9.05% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #27
2014    61.0
2015    57.0
2016    64.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
27: 2.43% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #26
2014    92.0
2015    80.0
2016    90.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
26: -1.1% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #7
2014    932.0
2015    962.0
2016    958.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
7: 1.42% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #9
2014    397.0
2015    428.0
2016    308.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
9: -11.89% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #11
2014    751.0
2015    755.0
2016    765.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
11: 0.91% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #25
2014    459.0
2015    601.0
2016    600.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
25: 14.37% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #12
2014    536.0
2015    501.0
2016    483.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
12: -5.07% annualize growth rate
Counter ID: #1
2014    413.0
2015    414.0
2016    380.0
Name: count, dtype: float64
1: -4.07% annualize growth rate
In [4]:
df_counterstats = pd.DataFrame({'Growth Rate': pedestrian_growth}, index=counterids)
Growth Rate
23 0.70
3 2.62
4 9.05
27 2.43
26 -1.10
7 1.42
9 -11.89
11 0.91
25 14.37
12 -5.07
1 -4.07

Using the above DataFrame, I fetched the counter names and locations with the following code.

In [5]:
GetAllCountersUrl = ""

xmlfile = open('xml_getallcounters.xml', 'w')
xmldata = requests.get(GetAllCountersUrl)

xml_data = 'xml_getallcounters.xml'

tree = ElementTree.parse(xml_data)
In [6]:
id = []
name = []
latitude = []
longitude = []
region = []

for c in tree.findall('counter'):

df_counters = pd.DataFrame(
    {'Name' : name,
     'latitude' : latitude,
     'longitude' : longitude,
     'region' : region
    }, index = id)
Name latitude longitude region
33 110 Trail 38.885315 -77.065022 Arlington
30 14th Street Bridge 38.874260 -77.044610 Arlington
43 15th Street NW 38.907470 -77.034610 DC
32 Arlington Mill Trail 38.845610 -77.096046 Arlington
24 Ballston Connector 38.882950 -77.121235 Arlington
In [7]:
df_growth_points = pd.concat([df_counters, df_counterstats], axis=1, join='inner')
df_growth_points['radius'] = (df_growth_points['Growth Rate'] * 5) + 120

def markercolors(counter):
    if counter['Growth Rate'] < -5:
        return 'DarkRed'
    elif counter['Growth Rate'] < -1:
        return 'Red'
    elif counter['Growth Rate'] < 1:
        return 'Yellow'
    elif counter['Growth Rate'] < 5:
        return 'Green'
        return 'DarkGreen'
df_growth_points["color"] = df_growth_points.apply(markercolors, axis=1)

Name latitude longitude region Growth Rate radius color
23 Bluemont Connector 38.880476 -77.119311 Arlington 0.70 123.50 Yellow
3 Custis Bon Air Park 38.879199 -77.138420 Arlington 2.62 133.10 Green
4 Custis Rosslyn 38.897191 -77.083031 Arlington 9.05 165.25 DarkGreen
27 Joyce St NB 38.867264 -77.062829 Arlington 2.43 132.15 Green
26 Joyce St SB 38.867271 -77.063054 Arlington -1.10 114.50 Red
7 Key Bridge West 38.900539 -77.070900 Arlington 1.42 127.10 Green
9 MVT Airport South 38.844471 -77.048923 Arlington -11.89 60.55 DarkRed
11 TR Island Bridge 38.897960 -77.067721 Arlington 0.91 124.55 Yellow
25 W&OD Bon Air West 38.879330 -77.139250 Arlington 14.37 191.85 DarkGreen
12 W&OD Columbia Pike 38.857085 -77.110789 Arlington -5.07 94.65 DarkRed
1 W&OD East Falls Church 38.887806 -77.163889 Arlington -4.07 99.65 Red

In the data table above, you'll notice I also added a radius and color. These are based on the annual daily pedestrian growth rates. I need these attributes to create a point map that displays points of varying size and color based on the pedestrian growth rates. The large green circle indicate increases in the average annual number of walkers since 2014 and the small dark red circles indicate the largest declines in the number of daily pedestrians since 2014.

In [8]:
locations = df_growth_points[['latitude', 'longitude']]
locationlist = locations.values.tolist()
In [9]:
map = folium.Map(location=[38.87, -77.1], tiles='CartoDB positron', zoom_start=13)
for point in range(0, len(locationlist)):
    folium.CircleMarker(locationlist[point], radius=df_growth_points['radius'][point], popup=df_growth_points['Name'][point]+': '+str(df_growth_points['Growth Rate'][point])+'%',
                        color=df_growth_points['color'][point], fill_color=df_growth_points['color'][point]).add_to(map)

You can click on each circle above to get the location name and the growth rate for that point. My quick take is that there has been an increase in walkers on the Custis Trail. Over the same time period, the Columbia Pike and Mount Vernon points indicate decreases in pedestrian traffic counts. Planners may want to really focus on the conditions at the MVT Airport South counter to see if there needs to be any improvements for pedestrians in that area.

Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.


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